gphitman's Diaryland Diary


And the Hits Just Keep on Comin'....

I finally caved this morning when I was halfway to work and I just felt... awful. I called my doctor's office and they said to just come in right then. So I turned the car around and went for it.

An exam and ultra-sound later, it turns out I have a rather large gallstone. It has also inflamed my pancreas, which is pressing against my chest, and since the pancreas is kind of laid out across your whole torso, this explains all the random pains I've benn having that I haven't been able to pinpoint to a single location.

They kep insisting the surgery is a nothing thing, they used the word "arthoscopic" over and over. But for someone who has never had any kind of surgery before, it didn't take long before I started to totally freak out. It didn't take long for me to remember the stones my dad had removed from his salivary glands and how the nerves managed to wrap themselves around them and how he now has no feeling in a certain part of his neck. It didn't take long for them to mention words like "laser" and "surgeon" and "procedure" and then for me to start crying and calling my mommy and asking her to make it okay.

Well, the consultation with the surgeon is next Thursday at 2pm and then I will schedule this seemingly simple surgery. And then it will all be okay again.

It's good though, because after my car accident and my shower accident, I was really hoping for some additional excitement this year.

12:18 pm - 11.10.05


So This is Love

I am in love with my iPod.

I feel kind of bad. Like I am cheating on my Tivo or something. I know, at the very least, that I am finally moving past my palm pilot, but truly, I think I am having a mad, mad affair with my iPod.

My parents and brother got it for me for my birthday. It was pretty much the only thing I wanted and I was bubbling over with glee when I unwrapped it.

To my total and utter devestation, I found out the USB port on my office computer was stripped and the version of windows I am running on my P.O.S. at home is far too old for iTunes to be installed. I was at an impass. I could not use my iPod.

Behold, the power of Dell. My boss got me this marvelous new computer! I waited and waited, because I didn't know how long it was going to take, for Bob to be out of the office for an extended period of time.

I should send today's clients a thank-you note for his prolonged absence.

And glory be! It works! It works! I am cool now! I have a fully functioning iPod with semi-hip and trendy music on it! How exciting! I don't know what to do first- buy an armband so I can take it on long walks, or buy a car adapter so I can play with it in the car (because I really need more distractions in the car). Did you know cases for iPods come in a b'zillion colors and textures? I can accesorize the damned thing.

What an exciting day. I'm exhausted.

3:19 pm - 11.09.05


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