gphitman's Diaryland Diary


An Invitation

A strange man just called and asked me if I'd like to show up somewhere in the vally next Wednesday at 7:30 in the morning to be part of a focus group.

I told him I was out of focus.

2:34 pm - 11.03.04


Gays, Girls, and Gorillas

So I saw someone last night as the "Blow me" box. Hallelujah. No need to waste a good idea. Loved it.

I hope everyone had a happy Halloween. Mine was great, actually. I went to the big party on Detroit St. with most of you all (waves happily to friends). Good to be back after last year's hiatus. I went as "The morning after a one night stand" AKA "The Walk of Shame." Not a bad gig for a last minute costume I wasn't happy with and I'm proud to announce next year's costume is in the works.

The creativity flourished- it never ceases to amaze me. I was amused by the "Gorillas Gone Wild." Two people in gorilla suits with Spring Break t-shirts on who flashed their fake tits at people all night and made lude gestures. Nice spin.

Was also impressed with the Stay-Puffed Marshmallow Man (or girl in this case), Missy, who looked hot in her blonde-ness, Jason (as usual) as Doc Oc, Brandy- loved her originality, and various others. Lots of new stuff this year.

On Sunday night, Rory and I walked the parade in West Hollywood. What a show. Lots of nudity and perversity. Pretentiousness galore.

After we walked the Boulevard among the Queens and the various Dorothies (lots of Dorothies this year), Star Wars characters, Sponge Bobs, showgirls, etc., we ran into a friend at the rear stage who got us VIP bracelets and passes for backstage and the tent. In the tent, as we sipped our cranberry martinis, this guy walks in: NAKED. He has nothing on but his wings, it seems, and me- far from being a prude myself? I am SHOCKED. And then I realized, dear lord, that is not his penis, but a strap on. And he is wearing wings. Isn't that precious?

We stayed for hours, gawking at costumes, and when we finally thought we'd seen it all, we hit the road to trek back to the car. But then on the way back to the car, at one intersection, a crowd had amassed, ooohing and aaahing. And as we zipped by to make the crosswalk, I got a good glimpse of what they were shouting at...

A semi-sexy brunette in a tacky dominatrix costume was flashing the crowd and licking her lips. But for a finale, she pulled her top down, pulled her skirt UP, bent over and fingered her asshole.

Oh Dominatrix, class be thy name.

And now, I have seen everything.

Happy Halloween, indeed.

2:29 pm - 11.01.04


Halloween Costume Idea

Go as a box of kleenex.

Get a giant white box, cut out holes for your arms and head, leave the bottom open for your legs...

Get a small box of kleenex and tie a piece of elastic to the bottom so u can wear it as a hat.

Write "BLOW ME" on the white box.

3:32 pm - 10.29.04


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