gphitman's Diaryland Diary


By the Beard of Zeus!

So Anchorman has been on HBO repeatedly and I have oodles Ron Burgundy catch phrases jumbled up in my head for the picking.

AJ on BB6: I need you all to do me a favor. Laugh at me while you're doing it- I don't care. Just go to the link below and vote for Kaysar. If Eric gets voted back into that house, I think I may have to stop watching. He irritates the shoit out of me.

It's a sickness. I admit it. But just do me this favor. Even if you don't watch the show. And, ya know, feel fre to do it over and over again. It's fortunate I am so bored at work today (why should today be different?) cause all I am planning to do is hit "back" and vote again.

Have a smashing day. May your head be saner than mine.

12:17 pm - 08.05.05


Purple Elephants and Pink Leopards

You know, sometimes it's just way too much to come up with clever titles all the time.

I fear I am doing major damage to my knee. I sit at work almost all day with my left leg tucked under me. I find when I get up, my left leg is pretty much always throbbing. In fact, my left knee hurts almost all the time now. I can't imagine how else this could have happened.... Unforutnately, I'm not really comfortable sitting any other way here.

I am really looking forward to the weekend. Not that I don't normally, but I feel like this one is especially needed. Did this week drag on forever or what? I intend to do as little as possible -- hopefully spend some quality time sleeping.

I apologize for the lack of profundity today. I had the nosebleed from hell this morning and I'm pretty sure I lost most of my good ideas that way. My head feels... light. I'm so out of it.

3:38 pm - 08.04.05


AJ's Random Thought Process

I am craving sushi.

The Yankees are losing and I fear Casey and I may have ovrestimated Leiter. He's been a disappointment thus far.

I bought tickets to a Dodgers/Astros game - August 27. 5 rows from the field on the 3rd baseline. I am SO excited. I'm a good girlfriend. LOL.

The dry cleaners ruined my favorite shirt. I am devestated. We will be having words tomorrow.

Some day, I will see Dashboard Confessional in concert, dammit.

I hate the Summer. I always end up with severe insomnia this time of year. I'm so fucking jittery.

Big Brother 6 tonight! Joy!

I wonder who delivers sushi.... I just haven't had sushi in ages....

5:37 pm - 08.02.05



Things I want to do before the end of the year....
Why wait for a new year?

    Visit San Francisco
    Go to Vegas, baby!
    Replace our living room television
    Go to a hockey game or two
    Finish Harry Potter 6 (I'd probably need to start it first).
    Go back to the gym
    Go to Disneyland.
    Go to the Zoo (I know, weird, but I really wanna go)
    Find a new job

And not in that order.

10:39 am - 08.02.05


Monday Morning Murk

I really do hate Mondays.

I had a great weekend, although, if I had it to do over, I wouldn't have kept myself so busy. In retrospect, I wish I'd spent more time in bed. I didn't do enough relaxing.

Friday night, I saw The Aristocrats. My god, people, you have to see this movie. It's fantastic. I was falling out of my seat in hysterics. If you need a movie-buddy, I'm in. I wanna see it a couple more times if I can before I have to wait for it on DVD.

I had lunch with some work-friends on Saturday. That was okay but I really think if I have to spend time with these people during the week... well, why should I feel so bloody obligated to see them on my Saturday?

Saturday night, I went to Lola's with Kat to celebrate a friend's birthday. Evening's highlight: Seemingly sober guy who fell straight down onto his back twice, claimed to be ok, got escorted out by security, and then prompted a call to 911 after he puked all over the sidewalk. Even better: drunk guy who offered me 10 bucks to run outside and offer to hose the puker down. I passed.

Sunday brunch was lovely. And I hope I go more often. I am always happy to have brunch if anyone feels so inclined. Sunday night was Taco night at the boys' house and good as it was, I think I gorged myself a bit too much there, but that's just typical of me-- my eyes are bigger than my stomach. I know this.

I don't feel like going to class tonight. I am Jack's complete lack of interest.

12:31 pm - 08.01.05


The Play's the Thing

On Wednesday night, my play went up. It was just the best experience.

The best I can explain what this company does is they plan, like, 5 themed night sof short plays. Then, from those nights, they take the ones that work best and compile them into a variety-type show. That compilation goes to a national festival next week in Minneapolis. As a result, my piece was performed twice Wednesday night. Once for the last themed night of plays, then a second time when they previewed the compilation for us.

It was fascinating to me. I wrote it to be a straight dramatic piece but the first time they did it, the director got the audience to laugh at parts. (Dad: "Wow, I didn't know you wrote comedy so well!" / Me: "Neither did I!") I was so happy with it. But then, I got to see it the second time with different actors, different dicrector, different style. It was as dramatic as I'd pictured it. The thing is? I liked it both ways and what a learning experience as a writer to get to see it this way.

Added bonus, silly as it sounds.... One of the actors in the show, a terrific guy and sensational actor, happens to be Scott Foley's (of Felicity) brother. So there was Scott Foley in the audience, in my row, and like a total nerd, I kept leaning forward to see if he was enjoying himself. And I thought "Wow! Noel is totally watching his brother in something I wrote!"

I know, I'm a huge dork.

Thank you to my friends who came- Matt, Nena, Melody, etc. It was so nice to have people I didn't know would come show up. Thank you to Heather and Ellie for allowing me to be a part of it and to Julie, who was so kind about my piece and so enthusiastic- she's the kind of person that you meet and think, "I wanna be friends with this person." And HUGE thanks to Rory for being so supportive of me through this whole process. Thank you to my parents for coming and staying through the whole thing and sitting in traffic (they don't read this but they deserve to be thanked)...

Lastly I should add that if you are only hearing about this now for the first time and you're thinking "I would have come! Why didn't you tell me?" I can only say I was nervous, stressed, and only invited about 5 people and word spread... Well, just trying to throw some justification out there....

10:48 am - 07.29.05


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