gphitman's Diaryland Diary



Ok,a woman just calls and I have to take a message.

She asks "I am gonna go out. What if he calls when I'm not here?"

I respond, "Um... he'll leave a message?"

Without skipping a beat, "Ok. That's fine." and hangs up.

What planet are these people from?

AJ's BB6 commentary: Kaysar is a genius. Also, James: brilliant. And with each passing moment, I hate Ivette more and more. The things that come out of that girl's mouth are horrid.

12:19 pm - 07.27.05


World Wide Wonderous Web

I ask you: What did we do before the internet?

Today, on the web, in addition to checking my e-mail 300 times, I have ordered lunch, reordered various office supplies, checked concert dates for this Fall, researched something for work, paid bills, and gotten a full prinout of my astrological forecast.

Now, I am looking for fun, new things to do on the weekend. I'm all about going to Disneyland to ride Space Mountain in its glorious rebirth and I wanna go to The LA Zoo.

I should mention I have a project for work taunting me from the other side of my desk. Not interested! This is way more fun.

3:19 pm - 07.25.05


Left Out

Here's the thing. When someone is a mere acquaintance of mine, I guess I can't be offended when I am not invited along for the ride. When it's someone I socialize with pretty regularly and EVERYONE else got an invitation, I feel like that's a deliberate jab. And when you've invited everyone, what's one or two more?

And when you are sitting around a dinner table with your closest friends on Sunday night, the last thing you want to discover is how much fun they had drinking until 4am on Friday or about the new club they went to the night before.

And they say it's my fault because I need to call myself.

Well, I do. A lot. And how often should a person be expected to do that? My mother always taught me it's rude to invite yourself somewhere, and I happen to agree. Aside from that, I'm sure everyone understands the basic human need to feel wanted. If these people are supposed to be my closest friends, isn't it fair for me to feel hurt when no one calls me? When the girls go shopping and I'm grouped with the guys?

It's a rotten feeling I have this pleasant Monday morning. And how unfrotunate because otherwise, I had a rather nice weekend.

8:53 am - 07.25.05



I woke up this morning and immediately flipped on the Today Show- as per my normal routine- and I thought I was somehow catching a rerun.

One of my bosses leave for a 2 and a half week European vacation tomorrow night. He's hitting London in about a week's time. He said his littlelest daughter is terrified. His other three daughters are not so hot either.

I'm sure they aren't the only ones.

2:39 pm - 07.21.05


Do not go Gentle into That Good Night

Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightning they
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight
Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

And you, my father, there on the sad height,
Curse, bless me now with your fierce tears, I pray.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

--Dylan Thomas

12:28 pm - 07.21.05



9:33 am - 07.20.05


Sex Tape Extravaganza


Celebrities that have a sex tape: Colin Farrel, Paris Hilton, Shannen Doherty, Vince Neil, Tommy Lee and Pam Anderson... who am I missing?

Anyone else feeling jealous?

Didn't think so, but it's all so amusing to me.

11:25 am - 07.19.05



TEN random things about me:
10. I'm afraid of the dark.
09. I love Gerber Daisies.
08. I've always wanted to learn Sign Language.
07. My favorite color is purple.
06. I don't like tomatoes.
05. I don't love to talk on the phone.
04. Hugs are underrated. I think.
03. I don't like chcolate, but I LOVE butterscotch and caramel.
02. I had a KILLER migraine last night.
01. I am addicted to Diet Pepsi.
NINE ways to win my heart:
09. Effort.
08. Honesty.
07. Sense of humor.
06. Intelligence.
05. Patience.
04. Compliments.
03. Back rubs.
02. Generosity.
01. Take my hand when I least expect it.

EIGHT things I want to do before I die:
08. Quit this god damned job.
07. Move back to New York.
06. Feel comfortable in my own skin.
05. Finish the family tree project.
04. Find my niche.
03. Donate more money to charity.
02. Relax. 01. Quit smoking. Some day.

SEVEN places I want to visit:
In no particular order...
07. Sydney & Melbourne
06. London
05. Barcelona
04. Prague
03. Bidapest
02. Montreal
01. New Orleans.

SIX things I don't like:
06. Stupidity. I've had it up to "here."
05. My job (see above).
04. The gym.
03. Traffic.
02. Mushrooms.
01. Dirty dishes.

FIVE things I'm afraid of:
05. The dark.
04. Flying.
03. Losing my loved ones.
02. Spiders.
01. Failing.

FOUR of my favorite items in my bedroom:
04. My bed. It rules.
03. My books.
02. Fluffy. My bear.
01. My Yankees hat.

THREE things I do everyday:
03. Check my bookmarked blogs.
02. Curse my boss.
01. Read the news.

TWO Things I am trying not to do right now:
02. Go home.
01. Work.

ONE person I love:
01. My mother.

9:27 am - 07.18.05


From McSweeney's

Things Pandora Could Have Opened that Would not have Produced Such Unpleasant Reults...

Pandora's Internet browser

Pandora's jar of mixed nuts

Pandora's umbrella

Pandora's checking account

Pandora's line of family-themed restaurants

Pandora's fissure in a breach between non-Euclidean space and time

12:09 pm - 07.14.05


A Bottle of Stupid

Here is how out of it I am...

I just picked up my Diet Pepsi bottle and tried to drink from it. When nothing came out, I thought "strange... that's so odd."

Only then did it finally ocurr to me. The cap is still on. Thus the interesting plastic taste in my mouth.


2:12 pm - 07.13.05


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