gphitman's Diaryland Diary


Dog Eat Dog

I just got off the phone with one of my bosses' girlfriend (who was featured in Celebrity Society Magazine this week, by the way- isn't that nice) and she tells me that this past weekend she actually took my boss to a birthday party for her girlfriend's dog.

Not just ANY party, mind you, because the dog was turning 13 and this friend of her's is Jewish, SO they got a Rabbi to preside and a little yamaka and held a BARK Mitzvah.

That's right, my friends! Can you BELIEVE that? An actual BARK Mitzvah. The Rabbi blessed the dog, they said some shpiels, and had a big party for a DOG.

She said she thinks my boss was a little offended but she found it all amusing. I can see the offense to someone as Jewish as my boss- these people were seemingly mocking a rather sacred tradition in his (their own) faith. Initially, I was astounded to hear a Rabbi would get involved in such a to-do, but I suppose when money is involved (after all, it was catered), the synagogue might be willing to look the other way, right?

I'd like to think if it were me, I'd go find some animal rescue society to donate to instead.

What rich people do with their money astounds me.

12:12 pm - 07.14.04


New & Improved

Just a test run for the new layout.

Sorry I had everyone locked out for a few days. I didn't want to have everyone checking in while I was "rennovating."

11:36 am - 07.12.04


Perpetual Penis

I saw a fascinating commercial this morning for Levitra.

They suggest if your erection lasts for longer than 4 hours, your should call a doctor.

And MY QUESTION IS: Have u ever met someone where THREE HOURS was normal?

Boy would I like to be the nurse who has to keep a straight face at the ER when THAT patient is brought in.

"So what seems to be the problem here, Mr. Smith-- OH MY!"

And how do they FIX IT?

Not to go on and on, but I'm just fascinated by an ad that has to have a disclaimer by that. I mean, first thing in the morning, it really grabs your attention, ya know?

You may go back to whatever it was you were doing. I'm finished now.

5:12 pm - 07.09.04


Hang Time

Have you seen this?

So Josh and I are in Tower Records the other night and I could just scarcely believe my own eyes with that garbage. They just can't get enough of this guy, can they? Are they mad? Have they lost it?

What will these people think of next?

If anyone buys me that schlock for Christmas, they'll never hear the end of it.

Cause, you know, I'm holding out for the On Air with Ryan Seacrest: Season One Box Set. [GAG]

In the meantime, do yourselves a favor and see Fahrenheit 9/11.

Bring tissues (thanks, Casey).

12:52 pm - 07.01.04


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