gphitman's Diaryland Diary


Bilbo! Bilbo!

Okay, the demand has been all too high and too great and thanks to Handsom Timmy D, I have become obsessed with this awful, awful video clip.

This is not a drill.

Careful where you open this up- there is this banner across the top of the page with a naked chick on it. Just a fair warning. And if you're neither a LOTR fan or a Star Trek familiar, I wouldn't bother. You're gonna think this is just flat-out lame.

Then again, if you're on kind of drug, you're SO gonna wanna check this out.

CLICK HERE: Spock meets Bilbo...

If this song gets stuck in your head, don't say I didn't warn you!

3:27 pm - 06.03.04


The New Spread

Well, I got bored- not that I didn't have work to do- and I was tinkering with a template so here's the newest flavor.

I felt like bringing color to the haven.

I hope everyone likes it.

4:39 pm - 06.02.04


Totally Without a Cause

I do apologize for the prolonged absence. I've been quite the busy bee. Trying to fight my shopping addiction is so very time consuming.

And bollocks to my cousin from San Jose for feeding my habit. She knows all those fabulous stores. Those trendy but surprisingly inexpensive ones on Tujunga I may have lived by but never discovered for the whole next year, I swear...

Although now they add up.

And curses to Main Street for it giveth temptation and now I can actually fit into those clothes.

Shit, I actually have pink in my wardrobe now. But please don't tell- I wouldn't want that getting around.

Moving right along, the Arizona trip was a smashing success. Loved it, good to see the friends, etc. See me for any further details (unless you got the detailed e-mail - you know who you are). And then of course, this past weekend, I spent mostly with my cousin, who drove down from San Jose, and also with my friends who were hosting a variety of late night activities- Blue Room on Saturday night, the BBQ on Monday. I tried not to get into too much trouble but these things can't always be helped.

I'm such a rebel, you know. That's me. Woo-hoo.

11:16 am - 06.02.04


My Achilles Heels

Oh the trials and tribulations of being a woman...

So what do you do in my situation? You know you have a hectic day at work ahead of you. We had both law clerks coming in today. One was going to sit at my desk so I could be up and about and running around. I have so much work to do in the back office - it's insane how behind I've gotten and I'm having a major dispute right now with our parking manager and a small tiff with the health insurance company.

Yes, it's such hell to be me. [pausing- waiting for the little violin to play]

And if you are rolling your eyes you can all smash that violin over my ass, by the way. So there. I am a powerful force to be reckoned with, I tell you.

Moving right along... trials, tribulations, etc...

I am getting dressed this morning and thinking about the day ahead and I debate: smart, sensible black lace-ups by Kenneth Cole? Or sexier, stilleto, strappier things by Nine West?

Honestly, you men have no idea how hard it is to be women. These are very tough decisions we make on an almost daily basis.

Now granted, I would be doing my fair share of running up and down, back and forth today, but I'd already decided on my "skinny jeans" (sue me- they make my legs look thinner so I call them that) and really, there's no arguing that the heels looked better.

Sometimes beauty comes before comfort.

I swear to God, I am not a vain person. In fact, I can be so insecure sometimes you'd wanna strangle me. I compensate for this with my aserbic wit and obsession over trivial things like sunglasses and... well, shoes.

3:07 pm - 05.21.04


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