gphitman's Diaryland Diary


Rant, Rave, Ramble

Allow me to bring you up to speed on all the latest and greatest happenings in my life...

Works sucks. Considering murder for hire of one of thoe partners. Planning slow and painful death of roommate (although I imagine we will get through present "battle" relatively unscathed- he is, after all, a good roommate) or else, you know, I can just shave his head while he sleeps (hee, hee). Diet is at stand-still. Shopping addiction worsening as I accrue more and more credit card debt for the first time in my life. Oh, and work sucks.

I know I mentioned that last one there twice, but it sucks so very much, I really felt like it was worth mentioning twice, ya know?!

And though the diet is at a stand-still, I was able to buy pants at The Gap last night in a normal size. This brought me such joy, I can't even tell you - I nearly cried. Go ahead and think me a lunatic, but you'll never appreciate this joy unless you too have ever had to spend some time in the plus-size department.

Joy. Rapture. Smile. Etc.

My parents are having a garage sale on Saturday and I am SO excited. I LOVE having garage sales. Don't ask me why. What's more, it's street-wide, which is like, for me, a super-bonus! Thrilling.

And Jaime-- I know you're reading this (she always does), I'll be in A-Town all day Saturday (free laundry, dude). I'm gonna go to The Oaks, and run all over. Lunch?

1:06 pm - 03.18.04


Dell Hell

I think I am going insane.

No, really. I want you to picture a chicken running around with its head cut off. Go ahead. I'll wait.

Got the image?

I'm so frantic this week it's astounding that I'm accomplishing anything. I just needed two seconds to breathe, I swear to christ. The other night when Kenchy had Melinda and Matt over, Matt called me "ADD AJ" all night and I don't think that was far off.

I could have run laps with all that nervous energy.

Not that I can explain it. Maybe it's what's going on at work with Nanci deciding to quit a week sooner than she'd originally intended. This left us shorthanded and me struggling to fidn a temp every morning. Not to mention my idiot assistant has decided to take some personal time to study for school. How could she possibly expect to work in the afternoons AND study for her one class all at once? So I've been left at work with so muc to do, wearing so many hats and staying a little later every day, arguing more with the bosses. Aside from that, we're still without a replacement for Elena, who is dying to start her maternity leave. It's assanine that Bob continues to make her work at 8 months pregnant wit her swollen feet.

The apartment has halted in progress. But I am finally getting a dresser tomorrow. A friend of my mom's is selling all his furniture and sold me his dresser and mirror pretty cheap, so I can pick that up tomorrow. I have to involve my father and brother in that, which is both highly annoying end highly stressful, but so be it. I'll get through it. More money down the tubes.

My laptop is fried. It's repaired, but when I say repaired, what I should really say is "semi-tolerably useable." Its motherboard was completely fried when it crashed and so now that the hard drive was reinstalled, there is no soung, the DVD player doesn't work, and I am without network capability. The rock-bottom price for this "repair work?" $218.00! That's no problem though, since the money is just sprouting up on the tree I planted in my imainary backyard last week. Fabulous.

Let's just rack up that debt, shall we?

Anyone know where I can buy a free a computer?

That's right, you heard me-- I said FREE. [sigh] I've just about had it with DELL. I'm so bitter with them right now. I rue the day I ever met the DELL dude, in fact. Did you know I was the unofficial President of his pseudo fan-club at NYU? It was a running gag between us when he and I were becoming friends at school. I blame him now. I've decided it's HIS fault. I mean, why not?

If anyone wants to know, I want money for my birthday.

9:49 am - 03.12.04


Setting Mediocre Goals

I ordered lunch from Salads Galore today. You'll never guess what theire specialty is...

Naturally, I ordered soup. Clam chowder. Sourdough bread-bowl. As the diet continues to go to shit. Hooray for me.

None of this "as of tomorrow" shit, either. I mean, basically, I feel like nasty-ass right now. I feel bloated and disgusting-- who's enjoying this entry?!

I'm going to the gym after work, after which I will spend some quality time in the shower refreshing myself, and then the self-rejuviantion continues with a salad or fruit or some other food I don't really like but should eat because it's a lot better for me then my roommate's yummy homeade macaroni and cheese...

Anyone who is noticing the above run-on sentence and is about to chastize me for it: BITE ME.

Forgive the mood, just a bit crabby (obviously) today. The idiot assistant was especially idiotic today and had the nerve to leave work for me to finish up for her since she's decided to take the rest of the week off as well as next week. It's a very depraved life she leads. Thus, I will have to fire her at the end of the month.

Her and her designer imported-from-Paris clothes.

Also looking forward to weekend of depravity with friends as the St. Patty's fesitvities kick-off. WOO HOO! And I am determined as ever to go dresser shopping. It's been quite glamorous living out of my suitcase, but it's time to bring that whole bit to an end, says I.

Also says I, time to bring entry to an end. Stop.

5:25 pm - 03.09.04


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