gphitman's Diaryland Diary



Superbowl came, superbowl went. I could cry that the gang is gonna give up that house!

Well, we still have a couple more gatherings left there, don't we? I mean, if there isn't a "kiss this house good-bye" blow-out, I'll be shocked.

I'd estimate 70 people came and went through the party this year, which isn't a lot- I think there were more last year. The deep fryer and the BBQ were out as usual- John made magic. The bar was crowded, the kiddie pool was filled with dry ice, soda, beer, and closely guarded by the Budweiser frogs. Inside, the line was short for the dart board, the photo booth was active, the roof TV was on, and the balcony lit.

I'm telling you, I probably look forward to this party for 364 days. It's a blast.

I spent it, for the most part, how I did last year. In the backyard with Loren and Matt. This year, with the addition of Timmy on way to much Espresso and Casey in from New York, frequent visits from Jen, and Steve- among others. You know, you really weren't cool unless you were seen in our back corner of the yard, I have to say. *wink*

I don't think I have to tell you who won the game. Was that a game or WHAT?

So after, a handful of us went to a dive bar-- and when I say "dive," that's really being kind in description. Things got crazy at the bar. Making out (both cross and same-gender), lap dances, table and chair dancing, being hit on by a Lesbian, spankings, stalking by a little Chinese man... you know, all in your average Sunday night going out.

The REAL funny part is, no one was exceptionally drunk, either. But you put "Shook me all night Long" on the juke box, and someone is bound to end up standing on a chair shouting the lyrics.

Sadly, that someone was me. OY.

10:04 am - 02.03.04


I'm Going Down Under

I've been licking envelopes since 12:30 and I need to taste something with... well, with TASTE!

So Casey was in town this weekend and on Saturday night, we saw David Bowie at The Shrine. Say what you will but the man's up around 60 years old and I just think he's so sexy. So does Casey- it's not just me.

But we're taking our sweet time getting to our seats because Macy Gray is opening- and who the fuck cares- and I brush by a very handsome shoulder in a black dress shirt.

In an Australian accent: "Oh, beggin' your pardon," he says.

A few more steps, I pause. Who, per chance, should own this sensational accent, I wonder? Praying to the Gods that they have at last sent me Hugh Jackman, I turn to see...

Well, Heath Ledger will certainly do just fine.

You know, some celebrities don't look as good in person as they do in the movies.

And some, like my new fantasy boyfriend Heath, look much, much HOTTER.

If only the drool all over the keyboard wasn't keeping me from writing a longer entry, I would tell you about my performance atop a chair to "You Shook me all Night Long" by AC/DC at Tony's Darts last night after the Super Bowl Party...

God, I am SUCH a tease!

Actually, I'm not that cruel, it's just that I have to go to lunch-- I'll finish this later.

1:02 pm - 02.02.04


A Scandal!

Okay, okay already- but only because I promised Jaime something to read and I'm really starting to fear for my life. The girl is scaring me and she only lives like 5 blocks away so what would you do?

I know, my humor astounds you too...

So few of us have this gift...

I've embarked on a new journey of sorts. An "e-mail affair" if you will, with a man way out of my league. My friend Diane (from NY) has encouraged me. She thinks it'll be good for me to step out of my shell and "not be me." She spent about 45 minutes convincing me, but the girl had a few points- I have nothing to lose, there is no future in it, and as long as I put all my efforts into it I won't feel let down.

He was this lawyer that came into the office on Monday and shamelessly flirted with me, leaving behind his business card- making sure to mention he was a METS fan when he saw my YANKEES calendar. We're talking remarkably good looking, easily too old for me, probably drives a car worth my college education, rolex, built body, and supremely arrogant (but it really worked for him for some reason and drove me nuts...

I spent 36 hours debating my first e-mail and this is what I came up with:


    You have no idea how that subject line pained me... But if you're reading this, then I got your attention, maybe it was worth ther sacrifice?

    So you gave me this business card of yours and I had to figure out a practical use for it before I mounted it on my wall-- I just thought I'd say hello.... ;)

    Oh, and GO YANKEES. I feel better now.

Oh hell, if you know me, that is pretty forward for me. And if you don't think that's anythig short of brilliant, you can shove it. [sticking out tongue]

By the way, he totally wrote back. And it continues.

2:21 pm - 01.30.04


Underneath my Clothes

I don't mind telling you that for the first time ever, today, I am wearing a thong.

I'm not kidding! Victoria's Secret was having their annual massive sale and I thought, what the hell, it's marked down, and picked up something a little different for myself.

I can't decide if I like it. I definitely felt like I had a wedgie for the first hour or so but once I got past that and forgot about it-- well, it hasn't been such a big deal since. Truth be told, I feel kind of sexy just knowing I'm wearing it. Please don't ask me why, I can't explain it.

Must be one of those inexplicable girl things.

Okay, okay, I've revealed far too much,. My apologies.

Totally unrelated-- Casey will be here Friday! Hooray! I'm so excited! I'm just plotzing all over the place.

10:45 am - 01.27.04


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