gphitman's Diaryland Diary


My Friend Mr. Xanax

Anyone wanna get a drink tonight? I'm having a helluva day.

There are some days, where the redundancy of my job just get to me in such a way, that I feel like I am on the verge of tears for a little while. When everything that is asked of me, or told to me, or put on my desk, is one step closer to me on top of a bell-tower with an MR-15.

I refuse to elaborate- why bore the rest of you with what has become my every day monotonous routine?

2:27 pm - 05.31.05


Twinkle, Twinkle

Today, I leave a trail of sequins wherever I go. It's lovely.

Tonight, posh dinner with girlfriends in Beverly Hills. I'm excited. I love our girls' nights.

3:10 pm - 05.25.05


Fight the Law

I wish I had enough money that I could hire my very own lawyer to negotiate with the dry cleaner for me because he'd ruiined my blouse.


Who are these people?

2:39 pm - 05.24.05


Lessons Learned

For the love of all that is holy: Next time I've had my share of booze, I think it's best to keep me away from Karaoke.

Booze + AJ = Karaoke GOD. And I don't mean that in a good way, friends. That was a lot scarier than it looked for me. I gave up singing a long time ago for a reason (long story) and I didn't think I'd like it so much.

I had a very nice weekend. Oh sure, I lost 6 bucks at poker but, let's be honest, what would YOU spend out socializing on a weekend? 6 bucks? HA HA! I laugh at 6 bucks. A movie and drinks costs me, like, $30...

Ok, so I want to make that $6 back. I am a better poker player than that. Damn it all to hell.

4:53 pm - 05.23.05



I find the pressure to come up with a clever title for these things is building. But to hell with that, right?

I know I saw my friends this past weekend at James' party and the weekend before at mine, but I have this weird feeling like I haven't spent time with friends in forever. This might have something to do with my new tradition of spending weekend nights in a drunken stupor (oh yes, a temporary tradition only- fear not), but regardless, I feel.... out of the loop.

And strangely, I am overwhelmed of this feeling of... no-stress. But if you can believe it, I am starting to panic over it. I don't function well this way- I thrive under pressure. Go ahead, punch me or something- it's just how I get. I'm antsy as all hell.

My father just called to tell me that our insurance renewal for the coming year (my parents still have me on their plan to save me money) apparently got processed BEFORE my accident so I am not being raised on it until next year. I think that's the strangest thing ever- I am waiting for the next letter to come and say "whoops, we fucked it up- sorry. Give us a thousand bucks, please." Something like that. But I'll take my good fortune where it comes these days. I am still not sleeping through the night- the nightmares- and I am still in a lot of shoulder and back pain.

Last night, I attended the biggest nerd-fest: I went to a 12:25am screening of Episode III. I found I was more excited than I thought I'd be. It was great to sit in the theatre for the 3 hours before with my fellow-geeks. People brought books, laptops, crosswords, toys, music, and about 50 beach balls- 10 of which made it through the theatre simultaneously until "the man" shut us down. It was a blast, though. Oh, and the movie was good too.

10:05 am - 05.19.05


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